„Internationale Menschenrechte im Justizvollzug - Wo stehen wir im Jahr 2020?” (with Christine Morgenstern) in Kristin Drenkhahn et al (eds) Kriminologie und Kriminalpolitik im Dienste der Menschenwurde. Festschrift für Frieder Dünkel zum 70. Geburtstag. Forum Verlag Godesberg, Mönchengladbach, 2020. pp 861-892.

“International Standards and Transnational Criminal Justice” in G Shaffer and E Aaronson (eds.) Transnational Ordering of Criminal Justice Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020. pp 261-292.

„Lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe in Europa: Ein Überblick von Praxis und Recht“ (with Angelika Reichstein) in Stephan Schaede, Gerd Koop und Wolfgang Wirth (eds.) Für und Wider der lebenslangen Freiheitsstrafe? Eine lange Diskussion. Gesellschaft für Fortbildung der Strafvollzugsbediensteten e.V. Wiesbaden, 2018. pp 57-72.

"Sentencing and Punishment" (with Clare Ballard) in S. Woolman et al (eds.) Constitutional Law of South Africa, 2 ed. Juta, Cape Town, 2018. Chapter 49, pp 1-84.

“American Exceptionalism in Parole Release and Supervision: A European Perspective” (with Alessandro Corda) in Kevin R. Reitz (ed.) American Exceptionalism in Crime and Punishment New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. pp 410-486.

“Determinate and indeterminate sentences of imprisonment in international criminal justice” in R Mulgrew and D Abels (eds.) Research Handbook on the International Penal System Elgar, 2016. pp 80-101.

“Prison Law” in M Dubber and T Hoernle (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Criminal Law Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014. pp 989-1011.

“International Human Rights Standards and Community Sanctions” (with Christine Morgenstern) in G.J.N. Bruinsma and D.L. Weisburd (eds.), Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Springer Science New York, 2014. pp 2614-2623.

“Legitimacy and the Development of International Standards for Punishment” in J Tankebe and A Liebling (eds.) Legitimacy and Criminal Justice: an International Exploration Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. pp 267-292.

“Distinctive Features of European Penology and Penal Policy-Making” (with Sonja Snacken) in T Daems, D van Zyl Smit and S Snacken (eds.) European Penology? Hart, Oxford, 2013, pp 3-24.

“Truth in (the Implementation of) Sentencing: Belgium and Elsewhere” (with Kristel Beyens and Sonja Snacken) in T Daems, D van Zyl Smit and S Snacken (eds.) European Penology? Hart, Oxford, 2013 pp 263-282.

“European sentencing practices” (with Sonja Snacken, and Kristel Beyens) in Routledge Handbook on European Criminology 2013 pp 385-407.

“Prisons and punishment in Europe” (with Sonja Snacken, Aline Bauwens, Dirk van Zyl Smit, Hanne Tournel and Rudy Machiels) in Routledge Handbook on European Criminology, 2013. pp 422-452.

“The Cruelty of Life without Hope” in J Claessen and D de Vocht (eds.) Humaan strafwerk. Liber Amicorum Gerard de Jonge. Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen, 2012. pp 409-423.

“Non-custodial sanctions and European human rights law” in J Roberts and L Zedner (eds.) Principles and Values in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice: Essays in honour of Andrew Ashworth Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012 pp 191-208.

“Punishment and Human Rights” in J Simon and R Sparks (eds.) Handbook on Punishment and Society. Sage, London 2012, pp 395-415.

“Le système pénitentiaire sud-africain” (with E Steyn) in J-P Céré and C Japiassú (eds) Les systèmes pénitentiaires dans le monde Dalloz, Paris, 2nd ed. 2011, pp 353-380. (1st ed. 2007 ).

“L’Europe à la veille de rendre illicite les peines incompressibles?” in Y. Lecuyer (ed.), La perpétuité perpétuelle. Réflexions sur la réclusion criminelle à perpétuité, Rennes, Presse Universitaires de Rennes, 2012. pp 91-109.

“Pozaeuropejskie wpływy penologii europejskiej” (with Sonja Snacken) in Barbara Stańdo-Kawecki and Krzysztof Krajewksi (eds.) Problemy penologigii i praw człowieka na początku xxi stulecia: Księga poświęcona pamięci Profesora Zbigniewa Hołdy Lex, Warsaw, 2011. pp 535-546.

“Shaping penal policy from above? The role of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights” (with Sonja Snacken) in A. Crawford (ed.) International and Comparative Criminal Justice and Urban Governance. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011. pp 168-190.

“The European dimension to the release of sentenced prisoners” (with JR Spencer) in Nicola Padfield, Dirk van Zyl Smit and Frieder Dünkel (eds.) Release from Prison: European policy and practice (Willan, Uffculme, 2010) 9-48.

“The Effects of imprisonment?” (with Sonja Snacken) in M. Herzog-Evans (ed.) Transnational Criminology Manual Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen. 2010, Vol 3, pp 325-342.

“Release from Life Imprisonment. A comparative Note on the Role of Pre-release Decision Making in England and Germany” in Marc Groenhuijsen, Tijs Kooijmans and Theo de Roos (eds.) Fervet Opus; Liber Amicorum Anton van Kalmthout. Maklu, Apeldoorn, 2010. pp 233-240.

“European Rules for Juvenile Offenders Subject to Sanctions or Measures (ERJOSSM) Rec (2008) 11” (with F Dünkel and A Baechtold)” In M. Galanou, (ed.) Essays in Interdisciplinary Criminological Pathways in Honour of Professor C. D. Spinellis. Sakkoulas, Athens 2010. pp 799-822.

„Neue Europäischen Grundsätze über Sanktionen an jugendlichen Straftätern verabschiedet“ (with F. Dünkel and A. Baechtold) in Bundesministerium für Justiz (ed) „Jugendliche im Gefängnis“ – Modelle im Umgang mit straffälligen Jugendlichen neuer wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Wien. 2009. pp 141-158.

“Rechten van gedetineerden benaderd vanuit recente Europese ontwikkelingen’ (with S. Snacken) in T. Daems et al (eds.) Achter tralies in België Academia Press, Gent, 2009. pp 241-270.

“Die Europäische Empfehlung für inhaftierte und ambulant sanktionierte jugendliche Straftäter“ (with F. Dünkel and A. Baechtold) in: Bundesministerium der Justiz (eds) Das Jugendkriminalrecht vor neuen Herausforderungen? Jenaer Symposium. Forum Verlag Godesberg, Mönchengladbach, 2009. pp 297-316.

“Implementación del encarcelamientio juvenil y dercho constiucionel en Alemania” (with F Dünkel) in A. Serrano Maíllo and J. L. Guzmán Dálbora (eds.) Procesos de infracción de normas y de reaccion a la infracción de normas: dos Tradiciones criminológicas: nuevos estudios en homenaje al Professor Alfons Serrano Gómez Dykinson, Madrid, 2008. pp 205-232.

“The prisoner as rechtsburger: a European perspective” (with S Snacken) in A Franke, M de Langen and M Moerings (eds) Constante Waarden; Liber amicorum prof. mr. Constantijn Kelk, Boom juridische uitgewers, The Hague, 2008. pp 573-584.

“Europäische Mindeststandards und Empfehlungen als Orientierungspunkte für die Gesetzgebung und Praxis dargestellt am Beispiel der Empfehlungen für inhaftierte Jugendliche und Jugendliche in ambulanten Maßnahmen“ (with F Dünkel and A Baechtold) in J Goerdeler and P Walkenhorst (eds) Jugendstrafvollzug in Deutschland Forum Verlag, Godesberg, 2007. pp 114-140.

“Responding to crimes against international law” in G Pavlich and A Brannigan (eds) Governance and Regulation in Social Life: Essays in honour of W.G. Carson. Routledge-Cavendish, Abingdon and New York, 2007. pp 120-129.

“Prisoners' Rights” in Y Jewkes (ed) Handbook on Prisons. Willan, Cullompton, 2007. pp 566-584.

“Notes on a new sentencing framework for South Africa” in Open Society Foundation, (ed) Sentencing in South AfricaOpen Society Foundation, Cape Town: 2007. pp 40-45.

“El Derecho en materia de imposición de penas en Inglaterra y Gales: un estudio casuístico” in J L Díez Ripollés, A M Prieto del Pino and S Sono Navarro (eds.) La politica legislative penal en Occidente: Un perspectiva comparada, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2005. pp 63-104.

“Civil disabilities of Former Prisoners in a Constitutional Democracy: Building on the South African Experience” in C Mele and T Miller (eds.) Civil Penalties, Social Consequences, Routledge, New York 2005. pp 255-269.

“Swimming against the Tide: Controlling the size of the prison population in the new South Africa” in B Dixon and E van der Spuy (eds.) Justice Gained? Crime and Crime Control in South Africa’s Transition, Juta, Cape Town, 2004, pp. 227-258.

“Importing criminological ideas in a new democracy: recent South African experiences” (with Elrena van der Spuy) in R Sparks and T Newburn (eds.) Transferring Criminological Ideas. Willan, Uffculme, 2004, pp 184-208.

“Criminological ideas and the South African Transition” in K McEvoy and T Newburn (eds.) Criminology, Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice Palgrave, Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2003. pp 21-44.

“The impact of United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice standards on domestic legislation and criminal justice operations” in United Nations Office in Drugs and Crime (ed.) The Application of United Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. United Nations, Vienna, 2003. pp 133-140.

"Mandatory Sentences: A Conundrum for the new South Africa" in Tata, C. & Hutton, N. (eds.) Sentencing & Society: International Perspectives Ashgate, Aldershot, 2002. pp 90-109.

"Human rights and sentencing guidelines" in J. Sarkin, Y. Haeck & J. Van de Lanotte (eds.). Resolving the tension between crime and human rights An evaluation of European and South African issues: Maklu, Antwerpen Apeldoorn, 2001. pp 295-304.

"Ist das Strafrecht ein geeignetes Instrument, um die heutige Kriminalitätsentwicklung zu beeinflussen?" in H. J. Hirsch (ed.) Krise der Strafrechts und der Kriminalwissenschaften? Duncker and Humblot, Berlin 2001. pp 59-78.

"Tough Justice: South African Style?" in E. Fattah & S. Parmentier (eds.) Victim policies and criminal justice on the road to restorative justice Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2001. pp 225-237.

“Arbeit im Strafvollzug - ein internationaler Vergleich” (with Frieder Dünkel). In H-J Albrecht et. al. (eds.) Internationale Perspektiven in Kriminologie und Strafrecht Festschrift für Günther Kaiser. Duncker and Humblot, Berlin, 1998. pp 1161-1200.

“Change and Continuity in South African Prisons” in Robert P. Weis and Nigel South (eds.) Comparing Prisons Systems: Toward a Comparative and International Penology Gordon and Breach, Amsterdam, 1998. pp 401-426.

"Equality in Criminal Law" in R Blanpain (ed.) Law in Motion Proceedings of the First World Conference on Law, Brussels September 1996, Kluwer, The Hague, 1997. pp 466-489.

"Sentencing and Punishment" in M Chaskalson et al (eds.) Constitutional Law of South Africa, Juta, Cape Town, 1996. Chapter 28: pp 1-21. (updated 1996; updated and largely rewritten, 1998, 1999, 2004)

"Die Behandlung von Gefangenen mit langen Haftstrafen und Ausgestaltungen des Langstrafenvollzugs im internationalen Vergleich" (with F Dünkel) in H Müller-Dietz and M Walter (eds.) Strafvollzug in den 90er Jahren: Perspektiven und Herausforderungen Festgabe für Karl Peter Rotthaus, Centaurus, Pfaffenweiler, 1995, pp 115-137.

"Prisoners' Rights" in R Louw (ed.) 1994 South African Human Rights Yearbook, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Durban, 1995, pp 268-280.

"South African Prisons and the Standards of International Human Rights Law" in MC Bassiouni and Z Motala (eds.) The Protection of Human Rights in African Criminal Proceedings, Kluwer, Deventer, 1995. pp 191-208.

"Taking life imprisonment seriously" in E Kahn (ed.) The Quest for Justice: Essays in Honour of Michael McGregor Corbett, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of South Africa Juta, Cape Town, 1995. pp 309-327.

"South Africa" in F Dünkel and J Vagg (eds.) Untersuchungshaft und Untersuchungshaftvollzug: Waiting for Trial, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany, 1994. pp 651-698.

Criminal Law: South Africa (with JRL Milton and SE van der Merwe) in C Fijnaut and L Dupont (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Criminal Law Kluwer, Deventer, 1994, pp 1-256.

"Arestowanie poprzedzajace rozprawe i areztowanie bez rozprawy w Republice Poludniwej Afryki" in Z Holda and A Rzeplinski (eds.) Zatrzymanie I Tymczasowie prawa Czlowieka Marie Curie Sklodowska University, Lublin, 1992, pp 311-350.

“South Africa” in D van Zyl Smit and F Dünkel (eds.) Imprisonment Today and Tomorrow - International Perspectives on Prisoners' Rights and Prison Conditions Kluwer, Deventer, 1991, pp 589-608.

"Helderstroom Prison, South Africa" in R Whitfield (ed.) The State of the Prisons -200 years on, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1991. pp 69-87.

"Prisons" (1984) in W Joubert (ed.) 21 The Law of South Africa Butterworths, Durban 1984 pp 107-173.

"Professionalism and the Access to Legal Services" in MCJ Olmesdahl and NC Steytler (eds.) Criminal Justice in South Africa Juta, Cape Town, 1983. pp 77-88.